A Letter from Bishop Smith

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.”

This statement to his followers is both a test and a truth. The truth is that God’s will and purpose is revealed in our lives. The test is illuminated by what our lives show. DaySpring is a place that encourages spiritual testing to help us live in the light of God’s truth.

The people of the Diocese of Southwest Florida have long enjoyed the charm and beauty of what was imagined as “a spiritual resource conference center” when it was first created. DaySpring began and has been maintained through the abiding generosity of God’s people who have determined to allow their personal giving to enlighten the lives of others. DaySpring has continuously been a preserved environment where its buildings exist for the building of God’s people.

Five essential purposes consistently evolve at DaySpring in its mission of serving God through Jesus Christ. DaySpring provides both place and program for the Episcopal Church, other faith communities and non-profit organizations in these ways: CONGREGATIONAL VITALITY, LEADERSHIP, TRANSFORMATION, nurturing SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, and being A SACRED PLACE.

You are prayerfully and joyfully invited and encouraged to be a faithful benefactor of this necessary spiritual resource for God’s mission in the world. DaySpring is necessary due to the powerful sources of darkness that desire to extinguish the light of God’s love. The same God who said, “Let there be light” and created our world said through Jesus “You are the light of the world.” DaySpring is a place where God’s light shines. You are needed to keep it brilliant.

Bishop Dabney Smith
Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida